
Office Address

123/A, Miranda City Likaoli
Prikano, Dope

Phone Number

+0989 7876 9865 9

+(090) 8765 86543 85

About Our Company

HxCo collaborates with institutional payers (government, insurance providers), healthcare providers, developmental institutions and technology disruptors to help build healthy communities and keep people out of hospitals

The last 2 decades has seen lots of advances in Healthcare delivery – finding cures for conditions that, even 10 years ago, were considered uncurable. However, this presents a problem of its own – people now live longer, putting immense pressure on healthcare system. The growth in healthcare resources, while significant, hasn’t kept pace – and the gap is only likely to increase over time. The only way out is to build healthy communities – and focus on reducing overall healthcare burden.

How HxCo can help

We promote disruptive solutions that reduce the healthcare burden

HxCo supports institutional payers (governments and insurance companies) on health system strengthening and early intervention. Intervention areas include Health Economics, Value Based Care, technology for improved efficiency, developing patient access programs and developing community based technology tools

HxCo works with international healthcare players to launch, accelerate and grow their presence in India. Services include market potential studies, developing business and financial cases, defining regulatory pathways, guiding on alternate entry options, partner identification and entity formation

HxCo acts as a bridge between technology players, academic institutions and payer groups to help develop new methods, integrate them into clinical pathways, improve patient access, and improve affordability and quality.

Across the world, technology advances have given birth to start-ups that promise to disrupt healthcare – to make it more affordable and accessible by everyone. HxCo helps identify, incubate, help customer discovery and product-market fit; and draw investment


Healthcare Expertise You
Can Trust

At the core of a healthy society is an aware patient, supported by a caring ecosystem.

Purpose and Core Values

“Building healthy communities – a person at a time”

  • Collaboration

    We will partner with the best and not reinvent the wheel

    We will work as a team and celebrate each others’ successes

  • Integrity

    Our reputation is our biggest asset.

    We will be absolutely honest and transparent in our dealings and conduct – whatever be the pressure

  • Patient Centered

    Our key goal is to keep members healthy and happy

    We will listen, involve, encourage and empower our members to take charge of their health

  • Objectivity

    We believe in an Evidence Based Approach

    We will learn constantly; adopt best practices from outside; be free from bias and open to questions & feedback

  • Respect

    We encourage every person to operate at their peak capability

    We value every contribution and will support every individual’s dream to rise to the very top. We will deliver to the highest standards of quality every single time

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Mr.Robey Alexa

CEO, Moie Agency

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Kristin Watson

Thought leader’s corner


Peritoneal Dialysis in the comfort of home - regain your independence

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a recognised healthcare problem across the world and afflicts 8 – 10 % of the population globally. The proportion of CKD cases is even higher in developing countries.

Health care expertise you can trust

Contact Us

  • Address

    HxCo India Pvt.Ltd.
    EG 1/37A, Garden Estate,Gurugram


  • Phone

    +91 7042558838

Get in Touch

We are constantly looking for partners, thoughts and ideas. If you believe there is merit in our working together, please write or call. We will get back to you at the earliest possible.